Friday, December 18, 2009

Heliogenna Day Two

Heliogenna Day 2
Friday December 18th, 2009

My thanks O Gods above!

Blessed Zeus and Apollo
Lords Hermes and Hephaestos
Blessed Poseidon and Ares
Lord Dionysos of the divine madness that carries me away.

My thanks O Goddesses above!

Splendid Hera and Athena
Ladies Artemis and Aphrodite
Brilliant Demeter and Hestia
Lady Hekate of the three way path.

Bless me and grant that I may forever know your favor.
For yours has been the light that has shown me the way.
Yours the obstructions that have taught me many lessons.
And yours the delight in my often weary heart.

Blessed am I who in this last year has known you.
My eternal gratitude, blessed Gods of the high places.
And the many ways to reach them.

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