Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stay Your Hand

Stay your hand

Bright Hermes

Do not come for him yet

His own hand should not be the means by which he passes

He should pass in a blaze of glory

With the laughter of multitudes in his ears

And the inner sense of happiness

We all dream for as we live

Stay your hand

Dark dressed Hades

As you did for me

Please do for him

He should live to see his first born

With the love of his wife at his side

And the knowledge that he is loved forever

By all who have ever known him

Stay your hand

Ever helpful Hecate

Shine a light on a new path

A path of dwindling fear and doubt

He should know confidence

In his own talent and power

And the abilities he bears inside

That we may know his shining talent for many years to come.

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